Joint workshop on whistle blower protection and open government

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Joint workshop on whistle blower protection and open government data by PROTAX and WOODIE projects*

Vienna March 6. 2020, 10:00 – 14:00, Location will be confirmed

Disclosing illegal corporate practices is an important element in the fight against corruption, tax crime and other forms of malfeasance that go undetected despite efforts to secure compliance to standards of good business practice. Providing for transparency of financial flows, public procurement and expenditure can help to prevent the rise of illegal behavior within an organization or a public authority.

At the same time there are legitimate limits to such disclosures, protecting the privacy of individuals and corporations and securing the professional handling of internal processes and decisions. The two projects, PROTAX and WOODIE investigate this problematic from different angles, looking at how public authorities provide for transparency and whistle blower protection and how whistle blowing and transparency can help to prevent, disclose and prosecute corporate tax crimes. 

The workshop will offer the opportunity to discuss the complex problematic of whistle blowing on the basis of ongoing work in both projects and to exchange ideas about national and European solutions and legal frameworks. Also, the balance between competing requirements – protection of individual privacy/corporate secrecy and transparency/access to information – will be discussed.


Registration for this workshop has been closed. 


*PROTAX has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 787098. WOODIE has received funding from the European Union's Justice Programme (2014-2020) under Grant Agreement No 823799.